imge by Gustavo Fring

Buying a car:


  • You own the car and can keep it as long as you want.
  • You can customize the car as you like.
  • You can sell the car when you’re done with it.


  • Higher upfront cost, including a down payment and higher monthly payments.
  • Depreciation, the value of the car decreases over time.
  • Maintenance and repair costs.

Leasing a car:


  • Lower upfront cost, including a lower down payment and lower monthly payments.
  • No depreciation worries, as you’re only paying for the car’s value while you’re using it.
  • Often have option to drive a new car every few years.


  • Have mileage restrictions and extra charges if exceeded.
  • You don’t own the car and can’t customize it.
  • At the end of the lease, you’ll have to return the car to the dealership.

Image by Gustavo Fring

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